Dental Care Tips and Advice

Rinse Frequently

If you want to save your teeth from decay and diseases, you want to get into the habit of rinsing according to most local dentists. Rinsing with plain water every time you eat or snack can help to wash away the sugars and the food particles that often cause bacteria to grow inside the mouth. You can also rinse with salt water to heal any issues that you might have inside of your oral cavity. Rinsing with mouthwash will help too. If you use mouthwash, purchase mouthwash that’s specifically for dry mouth and fights bacteria.

Stay Hydrated

Just staying hydrated improves your health immensely. It can improve your immune system function and ward off bacteria and illnesses. It will also help to keep the inside of your mouth clean every time you drink water. If you don’t appreciate straight water, add lemon to it or make tea with it.

Take Supplements

Calcium and vitamin D can help your teeth to stay strong. However, you may need to take a few supplements if you’re not getting enough of those things in your system. Taking supplements daily can preserve your teeth for years.

Vist the Dentist Regularly

Finally, you must remember to visit the dentist at least once every six months. He will be able to spot the formation of tartar and other issues on your teeth. However, you won’t know these things if you don’t go. Regular dental clinic visits are crucial to your dental health.

Take these tips and use them to keep your teeth healthy. Don’t forget to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

Disadvantages of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, generally referred to as a nose job, is a type of surgery that is tailored towards changing the appearance of your nose in a subtle fashionable way. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries performed every year. Like any other surgical operation, Rhinoplasty has its risks. That is why it is very imperative to understand the risks associated with any surgical operation before going under the knife.
Most rhinoplasty procedures are problem-free, but not all. Therefore, it is necessary that all patients understand the potential side effects associated with this procedure. Below are some of the disadvantages of rhinoplasty.

Risks associated with Anesthesia
Candidates undergoing filler rhinoplasty are often sedated with local anesthesia which has less anesthesia-related risks. On the other hand, patients seeking secondary rhinoplasty will need general anesthesia, which carries more risks including;
â ¢Allergic reactions towards anesthesia
â ¢Aspiration
â ¢Nausea and vomiting
â ¢Increased blood pressure
These risks are greater in patients with medical conditions. Allowing your doctor to perform a thorough medical examination will greatly help to reduce such risks.

Pain after surgery
Rhinoplasty involves extensive alteration of the nasal bone and cartilage which may result in pain after the operation which is however manageable. Pain medication is prescribed to the patient to reduce the pain.

Possible swelling
It’s a common side effect from almost all operations. You might notice some swelling around the eyes and nose in the days following the surgery. Fortunately, the swelling subsides significantly after approximately two weeks. The swelling might extend up to six months but will not be easily noticeable.

The degree of bruising is greatly determined by the sensitivity of the patient and the type of rhinoplasty. The bruising can last up to ten days. While bruising is not a sign of any serious complication, closely monitoring your condition is considered vital.

You might notice minimal bleeding 2-3 days post the surgery. These are busted blood vessels during the surgery trying to heal. This is however very rare and you should seek medical attention in case there bleeding is too much.

Rhinoplasty involves incisions and tissue alteration which might cause temporal disruption of nerves. In turn, this causes numbness at the tip of the nose and on the roof of the mouth. Luckily, this is short-term and usually resolves by the end of the second week after the surgery. Cases of long-term nerve damage are very minimal, especially if a qualified and experienced surgeon performs the procedure.

Scarring is a major concern for most rhinoplasty patients. Most candidates are worried about chances of long-term scarring. Usually, the scarring should not be long-term visible. However, factors such as infection and smoking might worsen the appearance of the scar.

In order to minimize the occurrence of these side effects, it is paramount to choose an experienced and licensed professional for the surgical procedure. Doing so helps you proceed with confidence and will hopefully minimize the risk for short and long-term side effects. Following pre and post-surgery instructions from your doctor plays even a larger role in the recovery process.

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